
Mitt Romney Picks Fiscal Sociopath, Ayn Rand Fanatic Paul Ryan As His VP; America Shrugs

So there you have it, America.  The moment you’ve been waiting for, the day that Willard “Mitt” Romney finally picked his running mate, the next (non)vice-president of the United States, Rep. Paul Ryan of the great state of Wisconsin.


But just who is this nice young man from down the street who looks like a Boy […]

New Congressional Women’s Caucus Proves You Don't Have To Be A Man To Hate Women, You Just Have To Be Republican!

It’s no secret that the one thing women want more than anything else in the world is more government in their vaginas. Way, way deep, up there in their mother’s vaginas, in their daughter’s vaginas, in their great grandmother’s vaginas, and God & GOP willing, in every vagina across this great land, for […]

What Women Want: To Open Up Their Legs & Let The Government In!

Republicans, Get In My Vagina!

When not spreading their legs to pop out even more precious li’l miracles of federal restrictions on reproductive rights, celebrities & celebrated owners of breasts and ovaries, Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer and Andrea Savage “spread” the message that the one thing women really want in their vagina is the […]