
Hey Kids, It’s Gay Sex Time With New Hampshire State Rep. Nancy Elliott

America deserves to know a thing or two about the shining pillars of enlightenment handpicked by the people to speak on their behalf as their esteemed elected state representative.

Ladies and gents, without further ado, I give to you dedicated advocate of justice and freedom, New Hampshire’s very own lovely State Representative Nancy Elliott.

Here, this fearless champion of equality discusses HB 1590, eloquently laying out her arguments to repeal the ghastly same-sex bill that just slutted its way through the New Hampshire state legislature.

And for a woman who doesn’t seem to be overindulging in the sex department, she sure has a dirty mind!

“We’re talking about taking the penis of one man and putting it in the rectum of another man and wiggling it around in excrement. And you have to think, I’m not sure, would I allow that to be done to me?”

“Would you let that happen to you? Is that normal? Is that something we want to portray as the same as the one flesh union between a man and a woman?”

Heavens no! Certainly not! The one flesh union of one man’s hot throbbing love muscle thrusting in and out of one woman’s slippery, juicy honey pie (as God intended) could never be the same as two men poking their swords in and around each others’ genitals in some sick, twisted, unholy union of sin. Never, you hear!

Because this is what gay marriage is truly about people! Not love. Not equality. Not the freedom to choose who you marry, raise children or share your life with, but simple penis-vagina ratios.

Never mind that silly “union” nonsense. Everyone knows it’s not who you love but where you “wiggle” your genitals that really matters!

Sorry, Mr. Elliot. Looks like the Valentine’s Day surprise you were hoping for ain’t happening this year. Or at least not from the wifey.

Good thing your secretary Kitty’s idea of love is letting you ‘wiggle’ it wherever you want, even dirty “gay” places. Gasp!

Just like a modern-day Adam and Eve. Except in this fairy tale, substitute the Garden of Eden for the Royal Garden Motel.

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