
If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, Then This Mitt Romney Classic Is Worth Even More Than He Is

“Vote For Me Or The Mormon Gets It!”
-Mittens 2012

Sidney Barthwell might be the most interesting man in the world you’ve never heard of. He doesn’t always drink beer, and when he does, he probably doesn’t even prefer Dos Equis.

He also doesn’t always discuss which fellow classmate and future famous presidential candidate he […]

Mitt Romney Must Have Confused 'Big Love' With 'Brotherly Love' Because He Somehow Ended Up In West Philadelphia

Innnnnn West Philadelphia, born and raised, on a playground is where I spent most of my days…

Hahaha, just playing, as the cool kids like to say these days. As if Willard “Mitt” Mittens Romney VIII would ever step a single freshly-shined shoe on one of those cement poor peoples’ slabs to bounce balls and play […]

New Congressional Women’s Caucus Proves You Don't Have To Be A Man To Hate Women, You Just Have To Be Republican!

It’s no secret that the one thing women want more than anything else in the world is more government in their vaginas. Way, way deep, up there in their mother’s vaginas, in their daughter’s vaginas, in their great grandmother’s vaginas, and God & GOP willing, in every vagina across this great land, for […]

Obama May Not Make The Ballot In Arizona Because Arizona Doesn't Need A Reason To Be The Dumb, Racist, Backwater Hellhole Everyone Is Embarrassed Of

“I See Brown People!”

Bored with their usual antics of deporting frightened Mexican and Mexican-ish looking people and denying ladies sluts access to baby murdering apparatus birth control (yawn!), the fine citizens of Aryanzona have turned their short, sun-scorched attention to another pressing matter: the true birth origins of a certain illegal Socialist, half-black, […]

Fighting The Good Fight: DemNow’s Interview With The “Che Guevara” Of Comedy, Lee Camp

Lee Camp is a name synonymous with humorous irreverence, which is no surprise considering how much the 31-year-old comedian, activist, and writer has accomplished in his short time on this planet. Not to mention how many people he’s pissed off!

His unique brand of topical humor, scathing wit, and fearless devotion to equality, justice, and […]

Rand Paul Doesn't Think Obama's Views On Marriage Could Get Any Gayer, Much Like His Skin Color Couldn't Get Any Blacker

If there’s one thing America simply cannot get enough of, it is the rich, racist, radical Kentucky-fried-son-of-a-wingnut whose not-so-evolved views on homosexuality and civil rights make even his ancient cryptkeeper father, Papa Ron, seem normal by comparison.


Good thing Rand Paul will do whatever it takes, blurt whatever comes out of his big, white power […]

Let's Do The Time Warp Again: President Obama Evolves Back To 1996, Now Supports Marriage For All (Even Gays!!)

Woohoo! Congratulations, Gays and Gayettes! President Barack Obama Glama has finally come out of the closet on his very controversial belief that gay men and women should have the same marriage rights as Kim Kardashian and that one tall goofy looking fellow on Jay-Z’s team, Kris Humptydumpty or whatever.

Thus, President Obama’s evolution back […]

What Women Want: To Open Up Their Legs & Let The Government In!

Republicans, Get In My Vagina!

When not spreading their legs to pop out even more precious li’l miracles of federal restrictions on reproductive rights, celebrities & celebrated owners of breasts and ovaries, Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer and Andrea Savage “spread” the message that the one thing women really want in their vagina is the […]

Michele Bachmann Knows Her Campaign Was "Mistake-Free" In The Same Way Her Husband Is Gay-Free

Michele, my (liberty) belle. How nice it must be to live in an alternate dimension, one where sexy, straight-as-pray-the-gay-away homosexual conversion therapists make the perfect hubbies (not to mention personal stylists!) and loony, pill-popping, Migraine-suffering (and inducing!), unhinged gaffe-magnets come thisclose to winning the Republican nomination courtesy of their near-flawless campaign.

Ignorance Psychosis is bliss, […]

Mitt Romney Sticks To His "It Gets Worse" Campaign, Bravely Allowing His Gay Adviser To Be Bullied Out Of His Job

Oh no-zees! Looks like the constant spew of homophobic outrage from the strictly heterosexual, not-at-all-suspiciously-anal-sex-obsessed closet cases on the right over Mitt Romney’s hiring of an openly gay campaign adviser has worked its wondrous, sodomite-busting charms.

Apparently, the yelling was so loud about Mittens’ decision to hire a known homosexual to advise him on the GOP’s […]